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979 Escape Games - Find Dragon Dress

Find the stolen dragon dress.


983 Find The Fire Cracker For New Year

Find the hidden fire crackers.


982 Escape Games - Celebrating New Year

Unlock your friend's room by finding the objects in the house.


981 Escape Games - Deliver The New Year Cake

Prepare the cake by finding the objects in the bakery.


977 Escape Games Fete In Forsaken Clock Tower

Get to the top of the forsaken clock tower.


975 Escape Games Find The Air Baloon

Help a boy organize surprise party and celebrate new year with his friends.


976 Escape Games - A Strive For Bike Key

Find the key for scooter and ride the scooter with joy.


971 Escape Games - Bang The Crakers

Find the crackers and fire it in the grandpa room.


973 Escape Games - Procure The Hard Cash

Find parents' money to celebrate New Year.


967 Escape Games Find Ticket

Find the Ticket is a New Year Escape Game.


966 A Hunt For Bonbon

Try to find the sweets hidden by family members.