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863 Photos House Escape

Escape from the house by finding photo's of dead person.


864 Delightful House Escape

Escape from the delightful house where you have been locked.


862 Cute House Escape

Find the exit door key and get escaped from cute little room.


861 Slave Escape

Find a guy who is kept as a slave inside the palace.


859 Kidnapped Girl Escape

Escape a small girl who has been kidnapped by some people.


919 Express The True Love

Help the boy to express his love using your intelligence.


860 Village Farm Escape

Escape from the farm located in the village.


918 Rescue From Penitentiary

Rescue your friend who is locked in penitentiary.


Idle Armies

Follow Ivan as he sets off on his quest to kill a vicious orc.


917 Escape Games Challenge Sep 2016

Play an interesting collection of 16 new escape games in single package.


NCIS: Hidden Crimes

Solve crimes of murder and espionage.


880 Ena Forest Cottage Escape

Escape from the village located in the forest.