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942 Escape From Abandoned House

Escape from the abandoned house where you have been locked.


940 Escape Soul From Witch

Escape soul that a witch controls a soul and keeps inside voodoo.


939 Halloween Angel Escape

Free little angel from the curse.


938 Lonely House Escape

Escape from the lonely house located at the city border.


937 Halloween Soul Escape

Escape a girl from the evil soul.


936 Horror Mansion House Escape

Try to escape from the house of the witch.


935 Halloween Gold Bar Escape

Collect the necessary objects to escape from Gold Room.


933Ena Halloween Bat House Escape

Find the exit path and get escaped from the Halloween bat house.


934 Eerie Room Escape

Escape from the trap in the Eerie room.


932 Halloween Cat Escape 2

Find the key of the cage where Halloween cat has been locked by a witch.


929 Horror Forest House Escape

Escape from the horror house in the forest.


931 Halloween House Escape

Escape from the Halloween house where you have been locked.