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953 Thanks Giving Rabbit Escape

Find missing rabbit from the house located in the forest.


952 Thanks Giving Treasure Hunt

Find the treasure kept inside the old hidden church.


951 Thanks Giving Rocket Launch

Find the components of the satellite and make a successful launch.


949 Halloween Graveyard Escape

Escape from the graveyard at the time of Halloween celebration.


950 New Halloween Escape Games 2016

Play a collection of 50 Halloween escape games.


947 Escape Friend From Halloween House

Help your friend to escape from the Halloween house.


948 Escape From Witch House 2

Try to escape from the witch house.


946 Halloween Room Escape

Escape from the room decorated for Halloween eve.


944 Halloween Girl Escape

Escape the girl from the house where Halloween party has been conducted by some witches.


945 Halloween The Curse of Bear

Escape a girl from the house where she has been kept as hostage.


943 Dead House Escape

Escape from the house which contains some cadaver.


941 Halloween Palace Escape

Escape from the Halloween palace where you have locked.