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902 Escape Games CID 5

Find the stolen jewels and out of the locked building.


909 Rescue My Cow

Get back your cow from your neighbor's farm.


901 EscapeGames CID 4

Solve the difficult case.


908 Previous Day in Lighthouse

Find the way out of the locked lighthouse.


906 Jewels Recovery

Recover the jewels.


907 Kid Rescue From Witch

Help kid escape from the witch.


Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff

Play for free and rally your favorite Family Guy characters to save Quahog.


904 Help me to Freeze Out

Help the dog escape from the freezing house.


905 Escape Using Parachute

Find the parachute to evacuate from a village near filled dam.


898 Little Angel Curse Of Warlock

Free a little angel from the curse of warlock.


900 Escape From Battle Field

Escape from the battlefield as soon as possible.


896 Forbidden House Escape

Assume that one day you went to the restricted house without any knowledge.