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994 Escape Games - Rescue The Monkey

Assume a situation that a girl was kidnapped by witch and kept in its house.


993 Mine Escape

Collect the necessary objects to escape from the mine.


987 Escape Games Horror Escape 4

Find the way out of a scary world.


991 Ghost House Escape 4

Find the way out of a ghost house.


990 Escape Games - Challenge 2017

Assume that one day you went to the house of your friend due to vaccation.


986 Escape Games Horror Escape 3

Help the boy to escape from the scary world.


985 Escape Games Horror Escape 2

Find the way out of the horror world.


989 Mountain Valley Escape

Find the way out of the mountain valley where you got lost.


988 Dilapidated Escape

Assume that you are attending a party with your dear one.


980 Escape Games Horror Escape

Help the boy escape from the scary world.


978 Escape Games - A Furtive Quest

Search all places in the house and find your gift for New Year.


984 Escape Games Magical Statue Recovery

Recover a magic statue from the fantasy world.