
Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity About

Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity Specifications
Date added:
Jan. 13, 2020
Date released:
Jan. 13, 2020
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Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 9.3 or later. Compatible with iPad.

Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity v

What is water activity, and how does it affect food spoilage. Explore how microbes and reactions inside food rely on water, then calibrate a lab...

Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity Screenshots

Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity Editor's review

What is water activity, and how does it affect food spoilage? Explore how microbes and reactions inside food rely on water, then calibrate a lab water activity meter.

Virtual Labs interactive food science modules train high school and college students in basic laboratory techniques.

Moist foods like fresh fruit or raw meat often have high water activity and spoil quickly. But some foods that seem moist like jam or pepperoni dont spoil as quickly. Why is this? All living things need water to survive. Enzymes and chemical reactions also require water. If water activity is less than 0.6, almost all microbes, including bacteria, molds, and yeasts, stop growing. This means that food can be preserved against spoilage by lowering its water activity whether by evaporating water away or binding it up. Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity familiarizes the user with food science lab equipment and standard techniques for measuring water activity. The interactive guides users through both theory and practice, preparing them for experiences in a real lab. Complete this lab first, then follow up with Virtual Labs: Controlling Water Activity.


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